ViaData places a strong emphasis on staff training. Besides sending staff on formal development courses, we continually share lessons learned both on the job and through courses, seminars or personal reading. In addition, staff members are encouraged to undertake a personal development course at Lifeline, which develops self-awareness and sharpens active listening skills.
A policy of empowerment has been followed which has enabled staff to gain a stake in the future of the business. At present, close to 50% of our staff members have shares in the business.
ViaData has aggressively followed a process to enhance our BEE standing through empowerment rather than enrichment. The fruits of these efforts have been borne in the following developments:
- ViaData's total procurement spend with Black Empowered companies has grown to around 50% of gross procurement excluding utilities.
- 26% of the equity of ViaData has been transferred into the hands of black employees.
- A Black female employee has been appointed Financial Director of ViaData and sits on the Board of Directors of ViaData. There are two other Directors on the Board.
- ViaData has aggressively sought to employ previously disadvantaged systems development staff and despite skills shortages in the sector, ViaData's appointments in the last 2 years have been predominantly to non-white candidates.